Website Design Portfolio

We bring innovative design thinking, adaptive methodology, and expertise in product development, mobile application development, website design, and digital marketing. Our team has won awards for innovations — our innovative approach results in a sharp and lucrative online presence for each of our clients.

Home 9 Website Design Portfolio

City of Racine Housing Department

Project for the City of Racine Department of City Development’s a new stand-alone website for the Housing Repair Loan Program, a city program that loans money to low-income residents to fix housing health and safety problems.

city government website design

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packaging website design

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Warren Industries Inc.

After the business analysis, DesignsTouch’s team got a clear understanding of business models of the Warren Industry. It’s current market challenges and changes and transformed its Go-To-Market process using various digital channels.

mobile application development

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Downtown Racine

A Mobile application designed with a clear understanding of the downtown Racine requirements and capability and DesignsTouch developed the best of a class mobile app that is easy to use, accessible to a targeted audience and will provide information about Racine’s best.

police department website design

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Racine Police Peer Support

Branding & Website Design for the Racine Police Peer Support a nonprofit digital presence project to provide resources to help police officers and their families reduce stress and diminish the adverse emotional effects of this occupation.

David Insurance

Website Design: DesignsTouch developed a new website that is welcoming, professional yet fun to enhance David Insurance brand, help them grow in the market and improve Search Engine ranking.

insurance company website design

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construction website design

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Torcom Construction

Website design for the Phoenix-based construction business. Torcom Construction inc., serving the market sector in education, healthcare, hospitality, office/industrial, government/public, restaurants/retail, and sports/recreation.

Discount Wholesale Inc.

Branding & Website Design: Website developed for the Mississippi-based wholesale distribution business.

wholesale distribution website design

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wholesale distribution website design

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Safe Haven of Racine Inc.

Nonprofit Website Design: SAFE Haven of Racine, Inc. the only Racine County Agency that provides voluntary, emergency shelter and services to homeless, runaway, abused, and neglected youth. SAFE Haven serves all youth and their families who need support, crisis intervention, and emergency services.

Get in Touch

DesignsTouch is an award-winning IT & digital service company. We supply the tools you need to grow your business! From idea to design and development to care and support, count on us to achieve the results your company deserves.

Contact us today to learn how we can help you transform your business.

Digital Innovation Award Winner
Top Web Design Firm
local excellence web design award winner
Outstanding Business Award Winner
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online ad agency
Google Analytics Agency
Google My Business Services

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